Mercury Retrogrades don't have to suck! 😎😉

A guide so good you'll be looking forward to Mercury Retrogrades all year long!

Download my FREE Mercury Rx strategy guide and receive a BONUS 2024 Forecast covering all four Mercury retrograding periods for the year. 

You’ve Come to the Right Place

Are you a full woo-woo or just woo-curious?

Whether you’re new to astrology or can’t shut up about it, I am grateful to have you here in my little slice of the internet.

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After years of extensive market research, numerous case studies, client feedback, and plenty of trial and error; I am thrilled to offer a proven service menu meticulously curated to help my clients achieve mind-blowing breakthroughs and accelerated personal growth at an astronomical speed.

Here's my approach:

But astrology is much more than a meme or soundbite;

Astrology seems to be everywhere....

it's an expansive and deep topic with different interpretation systems, cultural significances and styles of reading. 

It’s on social media, in your magazines, heck I'll bet that if you rifle through your spam box, you'll find some promotion using astrology in an ad.

Where to begin. Babs came into my life when I was seeking some serious guidance. It all began with a WTFIGO reading. Within a short span of time I received an influx of voice memos with multiple pictures of my chart in different stages. Everything she translated was spot on. She was really onto something. Babs was able to point out my blind spots and help guide me through my tumultuous situation(s).

– Tina B.
After that reading, I knew she was the one I would go to when I needed answers from now on.

Babs’ reading style is very clear and direct. She is kind, understanding, knowledgeable, and very nurturing. She helps me feel seen, heard, and less crazy. Having Babs on your team is like having the ultimate crystal ball, but more advanced and scientific. She really helps me understand my current life, past life, and continues to help me prepare for the future.
If you found Babs, it is for a reason. Trust it and schedule a reading. I can promise you this: you will get more than you could have ever imagined.

– Cici C.

I've studied astrology loosely in my own ways and have my own relationship with it, but Babs' notion of astrology as a language rather than belief system has definitely been meaningful in my own journey, and helped me to actualize a lot of my own chart/self.

She has a wealth of knowledge, but even more so, shares it in a way that is both accessible and authentic.

Thanks Babs 🦄

Babs is intuitive, whip-smart, and a strong critical thinker in her translations.

After her reading I was more clear on where I was going and who I was. It gave a sense of peace and joy. I can’t wait to continue working with Babs for more readings!!

– Karine L.
She was really good at explaining the complexity of astrology with a colorful simplicity that made sense to a person who knows nothing about stars and planets.

What I loved about Babs’ virtual reading was how detailed and thorough it was.

Read some stellar reviews

Well Thank You For Asking!

Ok but like who are you, really?

The name’s Babs, I’m a fast walking, fast talking, New York native and I’m on a mission to change the way you, yeah YOU, think about astrology and it’s real life applications. 

I found astrology like most young girls, in the pages of a magazine except I really didn’t resonate with my sun sign horoscope (Taurus) and I was always drawn to Scorpio’s horoscope which falls on the opposite end of Taurus. As it turns out I have a Scorpio Moon, Midheaven and Pluto making me quite the sleuth and researcher. So it was not surprising that when I looked deeper into what astrology actually was and what it had to offer, everything resonated deeply more than any silly magazine horoscope could have resonated. 

That’s not to say that sun sign astrology is bad, it’s just incomplete. It’s like thinking that you’ve learned an entire language because you’ve completed the first level of Duolingo. To better understand the language of astrology I’ve coined the metaphor “Main Character Energy” that I use a lot (you’ll see) and even have a glossary of additional terms to help you understand the metaphor better while learning astrology in a fun way.

learn more about me

10th House International Women's Day Celebration: Smash the Patriarchy Happy Hour (NYC)

Mar 8, 2024 | 4:00 pm - 6:00 pm ET

​We'll start with a cheers to celebrate our wins and breakthroughs. Talk at length about our struggles and challenges as female entrepreneurs. Then go to the throwing range and smash away the tension, stress, and troubles.

click for tickets

FEO Collective Networking
(hosted bi-monthly)


Do you identify as a feminist founder, coach or business owner dedicated to gender equality, equity and inclusion? Then this is the networking group for you! If you'd like to join please send me an email with the subject "FEO networking" to set up a quick vibe check and you'll get a link to the calendar. 

Financial Times: Women in Business Summit 2024

June 11, 2024 | london

Join us in London for the Women in Business Summit, the global flagship event run by Financial Times focused on breakthroughs in gender equality and inclusive leadership.

see you in london

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Likely on a pop-astrology article, a podcast, or through your friend's cousins' favorite hairstylist. I know everyone...

where have I seen your name before?

Totally kidding, you've probably seen me here and know me through one of the many networking groups I attend

I had an introductory reading with Babs that was an absolutely seamless experience that brought me a lot of insight about myself. Babs was knowledgeable, informative and playful in her reading. I'd highly recommend working with Babs!

it was Babs translation that really opened up so many possibilities for me. It makes me feel that I've finally found a piece of my existence that I had always assumed, yet could not be found. Babs was so patient with me AND so meticulous in her work.

I received a birthday reading earlier this year and it was a huge influence on my life in the past few months! Babs went above and beyond to introduce me to foundational and deeper concepts that ultimately led me to a greater sense of self-confidence and understanding.

I relish the relationship that I’ve developed with Babs and her intuition even after only connecting in this realm. A birthday reading was the perfect gift for me, and something I’d love to share with someone in the future!