Ready for a Breakthrough of Cosmic Proportions?

As your supporting astrologer, I’m ready to help you smash through cosmic barriers and harness your main character energy.

Main Character Energy Reading

is getting to know yourself the way the Universe sees you finding safety, love and pride within yourself

investment $333 ✶ 45 min video call presentation
perfect for beginners to astrology

harness main character energy now

what it means to step into main character energy 💃🏻

which means you'll create stronger bonds

so that you can feel empowered...

what to expect:

with your intuition giving you access to parts of yourself you may have not yet discovered or experienced in this lifetime.

in every decision you make, the life you wish to create, and the confidence to conquer anything that life throws your way

  • We'll go over your cosmic personal team: Sun, Moon, Rising, Mercury, Mars and Venus signs.
  • Then we'll discuss your outer planet themes, lessons you are meant to learn in this lifetime

I was always into astrology before I had my in-depth reading with Babs. Her reading was thorough and she went over every detail with me.

– Aura m.
Babs gave me a better understanding and sense of how astrology could help guide me in building a life that I want, sustainably.

I really appreciate the energy and time she puts into her work and I am glad to have had this experience.

I was sort of into astrology but didn’t really believe in its accuracy but after Babs' translation I was surprised how accurate astrology could be.

– Vera J.
It's easy to talk to Babs about sensitive topics and she really carves out time and energy. I love how emotionally connected we have become from this experience.

It's nice to have someone looking out for me that's so knowledgeable and connected to The Universe.

– Lane C.
Babs was knowledgeable, informative and playful in her reading. I'd highly recommend working with Babs!

I had an introductory reading with Babs that was an absolutely seamless experience that brought me a lot of insight about myself.

WTFIGO Plot Twist Reading

to be the catch all for your problems both present, and past - giving you the courage to make decisions confidently through clarity only the stars can provide.

investment: $411 NEW CLIENTS • $311 RETURNING CLIENTS


the year was 2020


and that's how the
"wtfigo reading" was born...

when I saw a gap in the the services provided by established astrologers. While it was common to find personality readings, forecasting, and coaching programs no one seemed to offer the answers to the most important question, "what the f*ck is going on?"

my role as your supporting astrologer

is to give you all your options and from there you can make the decisions that are right for you and your circumstances.

how you'll be supported:

  1. A form will be sent for you to fill out asking you to explain in what one area of life (ex: love, career, family, school etc) is giving you the most trouble.
  2. From there we will schedule a 45 minute video call where you'll be able to record our session to your local device so that you can re-watch it as many times as you'd like (without waiting for me to send it)


Babs is a highly skilled astro translator. She has helped me gain clarity in multiple important aspects of my life. During our readings we have tackled everything from making career path choices to finding answers to why the heck all of my ex-es are coming out of the woodwork at once!

– Laura K.
She provides insight and information that empower me to make intentional choices that align with my values no matter what The Universe brings to my path.

 And she does it all in a deeply grounded, truly honest, gently humorous, and down to earth way!

– Fallon F.
Babs’ reading gave me the confidence I needed to pursue my dream career. She’s psychic and her intuition is right on point when interpreting the stars.

Her reading also came at a challenging point in my life and it helped me to accept it, and understand why it was happening, instead of just reacting–which is super empowering!

I’d always felt like I didn’t fit with the sun sign descriptions I was given and it wasn’t until this reading that I felt like my true self was uncovered. My reading helped me understand and accept more pieces of myself, pieces that I never really looked at or into otherwise!

– Kate C.
She presents everything in a really easy to understand manner and isn’t afraid to encourage you to celebrate the good and examine the not-so-good.

I received a reading from Babs and absolutely loved working with her to understand my birth chart!

It has helped so much! It has helped me to better understand her personality, what 'will be' for her -meaning where I can worry less and enjoy their unique perspective or approach.  OMG, I'm so lucky to have found an astrologer that does this kind of unique reading. I was at my wits end in trying to understand what was going through my non-verbal anxious kid's mind but Babs was able to clue me into what was happening in her world, giving me the tools to support my kid through a tough time. Thanks to Babs I know how I activate her and how she activates me as a mother 

parent JJ + child: "cc" age 7

mystically inclined with fiona + mo
(about 12 minutes in)

unlimited with valerie friedlander
(about 20 minutes in)

my approach

This robust 90 minute reading spotlights the relationship between you and your child giving you the information you need to support your child through the challenging seasons of life.


client feedback / exit interview

listen to a live reading

In this reading I'll be introducing you to my version of compatibility that I call activation. Mainly how it is that you two might activate one another just by being yourselves. Knowing these activations or trigger areas will help you understand and lead you and your child out of difficulties down the road.

An intake form will be sent out to highlight the current issues and dilemmas taking place in regard to your child.
Here it is important to be as in depth as possible - for example: if your child is prone to being anxious, be sure to include examples of the types of anxious behaviors your child demonstrates or any repeated patterns you two experience.

what you can expect

reading breakdown

  • PARENT natal chart reading (~ 20 minutes)
Understanding the way the PARENT was raised is what informs your parenting style and is noted to keep track of bigger themes
  • CHILD natal chart reading (~30 minutes)
Understanding the CHILD natal chart helps to address the concerns sent in during the intake period
  • PARENT and CHILD natal chart comparison (10 minutes)
This is where we'll see the similarities and differences in the chart further painting the zodiacal landscape
  • How CHILD is activated by PARENT (15 minutes)
  • How PARENT is activated by CHILD (15 minutes)

find out wtfigo with your kids

✶ $797 new clients ✶
$647 returning clients

biggest takeaways

  • With unprecedented event after unprecedented event, many struggle to navigate through parenthood. And with few resources available, parenthood can be challenging to do so alone. 
  • Understanding family dynamics in this way allows you access to generations of karmic insight helping you see the bigger picture

how has this reading helped you understand your kid?

Absolutely. I was very insecure about a certain situation in my/their life, and after talking with Babs it was nice to feel like what I was concerned about is actually a strength and role modeling a positive behavior for my kid. I also think it was wonderful to get a few clues and peeks at at what her future state will be. It felt so 'amazing' knowing that my kid, per Babs' reading will confidently have a career path as well as who she best gets along with. What parent wouldn't find this information helpful!?

has the way you navigated parenthood changed since?

Definitely how she is perceiving me and the example I am setting. Babs also identified some items I had noticed, but feeling like it's part of what makes her special gives stronger definition and gives me better insight into guiding her, coping with her, considering her.  

what is the most helpful thing you learned?

investment: $333 ✶ add on options available at check out

  • A presentation with the exact coordinates that align you with the best opportunities for one of the following focus areas: romance for honeymoon, retirement, career advancement, etc
  • Two destinations of your choice + 1 ideal destination of my choice that aligns the best with your chart

what to expect:

  • Dreaming of a getaway but have a limited budget and want to know the vibes of a place so that you can narrow down the list of places
  • Planning a honeymoon or babymoon and want it to hit certain vibes
  • Wanting to travel solo and go on a spiritual or self discovery journey
  • Wanting to relocate and understand the optimal places where the energies align for the best possible outcome.

It refers to everything placed on the stage or in front of the camera—including people or in this case Planetary influences and energetic ley lines.

When we think about television or movies the plot is often relational to the setting and situation the character is placed in. What if the plot of Mean Girls took place at a Scottish boarding school or The plot of the Godfather took place at a PTA fundraising bake sale? How would something as simple as a setting change, or change of scenery dictate the main character’s arc and signature energy? 

In Astrology, astrocartography is a technique used to help answer the question, “What would it be like if I moved here…📍?

~45 min video call  presentation

investment: $333 ✶ add on options available at check out

Mise en Scène Astrocartography Reading

find the best vibes on earth

great reading if you are

Mise en scène (meez-uhn-sen) is a term used to describe the setting of a scene in a play or a film


I'd been considering moving, but I wasn't sure where. After a lot of research, I felt more confused than ever. I stumbled across the topic of astrocartography, and was hopeful it might offer some clarity. After reading some articles and looking at my map online, I realized there was no way I could DIY this project. I hired Babs to do a reading.

She took the time to explain the concepts of how astrocartography works and gave me a reading of places I was already interested in as well as some new places to consider.

One of the places she suggested was coincidentally the place I'd recently visited where my best friend's family is from! I don't consider myself very "woo" and this was my first time having an astrology reading. It was a pleasure to work with Babs. I would highly recommend her to anyone interested in exploring astrology or astrocartography

– Mallory W.
– Katie M.

I was more receptive to the energy around me than I had ever been before. Babs has helped me center my own energy to benefit the most from my surroundings and world travels. I am excited to see the world in a new and fascinating way.

I have already visited a country I would have never considered until my reading with Babs. I LOVED IT. I felt connected spiritually, emotionally and very at peace. Babs translated the science of astrology to a naive skeptic, and transformed the way I travel. 

I have been a skeptic by nature (and profession) and inquisitive until resolution but the astrocartography reading was thorough, professional, scientific, spiritual and enlightening. Babs absolutely blew me away and guided me through her analysis by providing me with charts, maps, GPS coordinates, and taught me how to read them. When you travel, it is easy to visit a museum or significant landmark. It is more difficult to connect to the energy that surrounds you without understanding why.

I asked her to find me a place to go on a really enjoyable vacation filled with the hobbies I like to do (cooking, drawing, and photography) and Babs delivered a whole region within her coordinates for me to explore. For anyone new to astrology, or thinking about booking a vacation somewhere new, you should make sure that Babs says it’s aligned to your vibes.

– Kimberly M.
Within a few days, she flooded my inbox with voice notes, charts, pictures of my astrocartography map, and coordinates that I can plug into Google maps. I can’t believe how accurate she was in describing my hometown’s vibe.

I love traveling and my friend recommended I get this reading to plan my next few trips. I never had an astrology reading done before but Babs was easy to approach and transparent about her delivery time.

Bundles & Packages

The Montage Package

 120 min reading presentation

The Montage Includes

I don’t know about you but I’m a sucker for montage scenes. Montages are full scenes comprised of smaller scenes that usually jump time in order to show you the growth and development the main character experiences in a short amount of time. 

Montages are made to be eye-catching and high energy usually showing multiple activities while also providing context for the audience. In a lot of ways this is what this package delivers: three of my most popular readings bundled together make for a wonderfully engaging and energizing three part reading at a great deal. And for an even sweeter deal, you get one Quick Hit Clarity Session which you can redeem at any time throughout the year ahead. This is great for any follow up questions you could have or additional support as the year unfolds.
  • Main Character Energy Reading ($311) 
  • WTFIGO Plot Twist Reading ($411)
  • Mis En Scene Astrocartography Reading ($333)
  • Quick Hit Clarity Q+A Session ($149) 


Investment: $997, YOU SAVE $207


Quick Hit
Clarity Sessions Retainer Service

quick hit clarity sessions are great for

  • Skip the queue! 
Some readings can take two weeks to process and even longer if there's a queue but by purchasing a bundle of quick hit clarity sessions, you'll have priority access to my schedule even when my calendar fills up. 
  • Short turn around times
Imagine being able to tap into my knowledge within 24 hours, getting you answers and insight in lightning speed
  • Schedule sessions at your own pace
Or even bundle two sessions together to cover more ground and get more of your burning questions answered
  • Unlock savings per session when you buy in bulk
Buying 12 sessions gives you an automatic 11% savings
Buying 24 sessions gives you an automatic 16% savings
  • WTFIGO quick support
  • Picking dates for an important event
  • Mars Retrograde support
  • Mercury Retrograde support
  • Venus Retrograde support
  • Birthday - profection year support
  • Peak stress time navigation
  • Cosmic pep-talks, cheer sessions
  • General Q+A about your chart
  • Saturn Return quick support
  • Chiron Return quick support
  • Clarity about something you heard on social media
  • and much more!

add me to your team

retainer options: $1600 for 12 sessions / $3000 for 24 sessions

or try one session here

think of me as your supporting astrologer on speed dial

quick hit claarity retainer service perks:


Quick Hit Clairty Session Retainer Service




retainer options
$1600 / 12 sessions
$3000 / 24 sessions

I dabbled here and there with psychics and astrologers, but none of them really gave me a sense of comfort or “nailed it.” While some did draw some accurate interpretations, it wasn’t until I met Babs that I received a holistic translation that was beneficial for me in all areas of life.

– Sara L.
Babs has a unique talent of translating birth charts in a way that is easy to understand yet deeply resonates.

This experience has proven to me that astrology isn’t just a bunch of assumptions or truisms. Astrology is a field of study that when executed correctly weaves the present, past, and future. It is a tool to set the narrative to be the best version of self, and Babs is the ideal astrologer to get you there.

Babs was not only able to connect all aspects of my chart with great detail along with my unending questions, but was also able to help me understand what those random small things really meant as they connected to one another all throughout my chart.

Her reading showed me what life lessons I may struggle with and how to focus on them in order to heal, what conditions allow me to strive in this lifetime, and how I can successfully be the best me. I took the teachings, and honest advice and applied it in real time and noticed how quickly my life started to change for the better.  Babs did that for me, and I know she can do that for you, too.

– Robert B.
Impactful, honest, trustworthy, brilliant, and confident. These words only begin to describe Babs and her astro translations. 

Sneak Preview Forecasting Service

Imagine finding official leaked pages from your cosmic script for the next three months

Included in the sneak preview Forecasting service:

Sneak Preview Forecasting Service

imagine getting your hands on leaked pages from your cosmic script for the next three months

  • Prior to jumping on the call, you will be prompted to tell me what kinds of events or big moves you’re planning to undertake in the next three months. 
  • The first month forecast report will be sent to your inbox incorporating what was discussed in the prompts (All reports will have interactive dates to integrate reminders into your calendar)
  • On the 60 min video call we’ll go over the important transits for the month ensuring you are ready and aware of the opportunities that are about to align.
  • Two additional 60 min check-in calls are scheduled to support you along your three month development
  • The other two reports will be sent out at the end of the previous month before the scheduled call
  • Weekly email check-in service will be provided to help you keep track of your progress

summarizing the events your character is about to go through. With this forecasting service you’ll get a sneak preview of what’s to come in the next three months. Afraid to make big moves in life or business? No longer will you be blind-sided by transits messing with your grand plans! Harness the power of the stars with a bespoke forecast fine tuned to your exact goals. 

what to expect:

i want a sneak preview

investment: $1900 ✶ payment plan available


Jessica J.

Babs told me I was about to have a wild 3 months and the Sneak Preview Forecast came at the perfect time. Babs supported me on my career issues and it was VERY helpful in keeping me focused through the chaos while also gathering hindsight because these cycles repeat every year. It was so easy to work with Babs and I'm happy with the result.

Did you know?

Some services can be applied to your business with it's own business chart

  • Founders 
  • Business owners
  • Self-employed
  • Entrepreneurs
  • Side hustles
  • Freelancers
  • Monetized hobbies
  • Content creators

how to find the right date

who is best suited?

when to use your business chart

  • LLC or incorporation date
  • Date of first sale
  • Date of doors opened
  • Date of website launched
  • Or if none of those resonate, you can use any date you feel deeply reflects and connects with the start of your business or venture. Sometimes a strong feeling is all that's needed to know when a new idea is stirring within.

the short term gains

the long term gains

  • Help guide you during a crucial period of time
  • Help you plan for critical moves in the immediate future
  • Keep you on track to reach your goals with less effort
  • Avoid future blunders and never get blindsided again
  • Unlock the power of astrology and its cyclical nature
  • Learn the repetitive themes of the season, bound to grant opportunities to you, year after year.

Behind the Scenes Business Alignment

investment: $3333 • payment plans available

Giving you direct access to create an aligned business that uses your greatest asset: your business' birth chart! With me as your supporting astrologer, you'll understand how your chart flows and grows by learning your most lucrative seasons and down times, aligning you with cosmic flow and the Universe's timeline.

Please note: This service is designed for businesses as the business chart will be used as the foundation of this service. The reason for this distinction is that business charts don't require an accurate birth time.

support and service includes:

  • 90 min onboarding call to get you acquainted with your business' natal chart going over your optimal zodiacal seasons for different tasks. ($600 value)
  • Get to know your business' positioning, client acquisition and target audience, brand messaging, operations, branding audit, networking style, and steps to apply directly to your business.
  • Astrological Business Reference Guide created during our time together to help you reference the important information regarding your business' unique astrological profile. ($400 value)
  • Once a month 60 minute business strategy calls to over everything from brand messaging, client acquisition strategy, or pricing models ($1200 total value)
  • Weekly email check-ins to keep you accountable, provide quick feedback or present options during critical decision making moments for three month (M-F, $1800 total value)
  • Special Rate for Sneak Preview Forecast when you purchase this service (details at check out)


Step behind the curtain into the cosmic writers room


Plan it by the Planets
Quarterly Planning Service

investment: $4567 • payment plans available

key terms you should know:

Cosmic flow is the built-in calendar year bespoke to your birth chart. It is a more intuitive way to measure the passage of time and leads up to one cosmic year. 

get the ultimate time hack

Unlock the ultimate time and energy hack by tapping into your most powerful asset, your birth chart



And finally break free from

and once you know exactly what your cosmic flow is...

You'll also know exactly when to make big moves in
  • career + business
  • love and relationships
  • a new project or hobby 
  • expanding families / planned parenthood
  • any goal or dream you wish to achieve 

  • Imposter Syndrome
  • Comparison Traps
  • Cycles of Burn Out
  • Fear You're Not Doing Enough
  • Limiting beliefs

by learning your chart's

  • Exact start and end dates of your cosmic year and cosmic fiscal quarters
  • Energizing Seasons / Stressful Seasons
  • Areas of focus for your current cosmic quarter, saving you time, effort and energy to achieve your goals

plan it by the planets quarterly planning service includes

  • 90 min onboarding call to introduce you to an overview of your chart, cosmic flow, and the cosmic fiscal quarter covered during this quarterly planning service. ($600 value)
  • Six 60 minute "house" transit calls throughout our ~3 months together ($2400 total value)
  • Priority access to me via WhatsApp, for those WTF moments, to keep you accountable, provide quick feedback or present options during critical decision making moments (M-F, $1200 total value)
  • Custom Planner sent straight to your home and inbox with transit list of all your star aligned opportunities, weekly planning pages, gratitude pages, reflection prompts, progress tracking pages, areas for note taking, and new moon + full moon rituals tailor made to your birth chart to help you harness lunar energy for releasing and manifestation ceremonies. ($700 value)

Your cosmic year breaks down into cosmic fiscal quarters. Each cosmic fiscal quarter (CFQ) has a different theme that builds and connects with each other in your cosmic flow

interested but have questions? 
schedule a quick hit clarity call to get started

You'll also learn the exact times to
  • Take a vacation or book that getaway
  • Learn something new
  • Strategize for the next busy season


Tina B.

Plan it by the Planets was a game changer for me because it showed me my patterns of struggle and strife.

When Babs broke it [cosmic flow] all down for me, my life made more sense.
I was able to understand what times of the. year to push myself and when to take it easy. It's the knowledge I needed breakthrough these stubborn repeating patterns.

I recommend Plan it by the Planets to people seeking to create real change in their lives. My favorite part about this [service] was the "house calls" with Babs where we went over what I was experiencing. She provides a journal and planner to help me keep notes for the future and knowing what I know now means I can brace myself for challenges year after year.

I have to admit, not all "astrologers" have good intentions...

To protect and help educate the everyday consumer I've put together a FREE guide:

This guide was written to expose the big "ick" energy plaguing my industry, leaving bad vibes, misconceptions, misinformation, and bad karma wherever it goes.

download my free guide here and arm yourself against scammers

and this is becoming a major problem in my industry

How to Spot a Scam Astrologer...(From a Legit Astrologer's POV)

download my free guide here and arm yourself against scammers

and this is becoming a major problem in my industry

How to Spot a Scam Astrologer...(From a Legit Astrologer's POV)